Alleged Stickam rapist John Hock indicted

John Hock

Man accused in Web assault charged with 3 felonies:

Webcast rape suspect indicted:

Everybody’s favorite emo douche attention whoring alleged Stickam rapist that no one even heard about until 8 days ago, John Hock, has officially been indicted for his ‘alleged’ crimes.

A Maricopa County, Arizona grand jury indicted Hock on three felony charges. Those charges were two counts of sexual assault and one count of voyeurism.

87 thoughts on “Alleged Stickam rapist John Hock indicted”

  1. Wow girl you are serious stupid. Just by seeing your comment before. I guess degrading yourself is cool in your eyes. Because supporting rapest is just wonderful! Hopefully you never experience rape or any other form of sexual abuse but by the looks of how your going it might just happen. And girly just because you talked to him on stickam and watched him doesn’t mean you know him. I doubt he even remembers who you’re. Stop supporting a sicko I doubt you would be supporting him if he wasnt hot, online “famous”, and whatever else you want to say.

    I guess its true about John liking ugly girls because you look stupid gross. You made me barf in my mouth I advise you not to leave your link in your name anymore.

    Just because your fat and ugly doesnt mean you have to demean yourself for low lives like these.

    Good luck and I hope you realize you shouldn’t be supporting this man. By the way I’m 15 and only hating on him because he deserves to be.

    I hope he has fun being raped in prison. He’s going to be the bitch now. I wonder how he’ll like it. Wait by the looks of him he will because of him in jeffree star having sex ect.

    Wait till a big guy in prison squashes his skinny ass after they get him in the ass. His name won’t be John Hock anymore it will be Shaniqua or whatever the inmates want to call him that night.


  2. haha wow. actually i do know john. im not just one of his little fan girls that watched him on stickam. i know the girl in this case too, i wont say her name because i know she doesn’t want it out.

    by commenting on my looks all you are doing is making yourself seem even less mature


  3. yea, this brooke girls is abusing herself enough by making herself look like a complete moron who supports rapists and pretends to “know” them…

    she’s yet another victim in jon’s pathetic life…


  4. My opinion is this: Don’t talk until you have all the facts, stop being so damn immature and judgmental. And if someone wants to support him only because he is hot or “Efamous’ then they have every right to do so. And seriously sitting here saying you hope he gets raped that’s as low as what you’re accusing him of doing. And attacking her looks well that just furthers my point. And if she uses the internet at all chances are, maybe she does know him. But does it seriously matter?


  5. Hmm, He kidnapped her yet they were in her bedroom? Perhaps, she was partying with him and passed out, not much kidnapping involved in that and I can’t think of a better person to pass out next to. Haha. He set up the computer and web cam and he took pictures and a video. Hmm her bedroom and she provided him with the tools to take pictures and a video. Does passing out around a guy give him the right to rape you? Nah but it does make her stupid, unless like myself she wanted to pass out next to him! Lol. If he really did it, and I strongly use the word if, I don’t feel he should be made an example of. He’s still young and making mistakes that people make and later learn from. Slap him on the wrist and send my baby home. Lol. Yes, I’m supporting John Hock, not rape.


  6. Chris sounds like another John Hock in the making…..and Diana – Charles Manson was famous, too (or, infamous), do you also support him?


  7. Haha at my sounding like John Hock in the making. I honestly just put all of that to get your pantys in a bunch and apparently it worked! Although there was a little bit of truth to it, such as the woman was STUPID! I’m sure she knew his reputation and being a woman she SHOULD know you don’t get drunk and pass out with a male. I personally don’t think he should be made an example out of. Fuck he’s 21 and has his whole life ahead of him. He deserves at most a little jail time and probation. To give him decades in prison would just be wrong, considering murders get out in less time. I feel she’s partially responsible for this happening even if it was due to stupidity. I also think a lot of girls are jumping on the bandwagon because of his efame.


  8. Okay I’ll start off with you comparing John Hock to Charles Manson, I myself think that’s a HUGE stretch. Charles Manson killed people. How does that even relate? Think before you speak at least that way you may come up with something intelligent to say. And if you can read which, from your post I’m not sure if you can, I said “they” have every right to do so, everyone is entitled to an opinion even idiotic people such as yourself. I never said I supported him because he was “Efamous”. Nope, i support him because I believe his crime is being blown way out of proportion just because of who he is. The fucking newscasters don’t even know the difference between a post and streaming something live. Yeah he made a mistake and needs to pay for it BUT it wasn’t as bad as everyone wants to make it out to be. Let the punishment fit the crime. Seriously Arizona police need to start chasing real criminals. For instance my uncle. Lol. And just like Chris said the girl is partially responsible, she knew his reputation he couldn’t shake it if he wanted to. That right there makes her just as stupid if not more so. And to further my point on you not actually comprehending what you read, Chris said she was WILLING, so how does that make her another John Hock in the making?


  9. Oh yeah and I’m in the process of ordering up some “Free John Hock” T-shirts would you like one? You better request them now they’re going fast.
    John Hock ftw.

    Slap Chris’s baby on the wrist and send him home, lmao!


  10. What about Angel’s post indicated that she couldn’t read?

    Or maybe you’re not sure what reading is? Since you’re clearly not clever enough to separate your thoughts out with paragraphs. Think before you speak and maybe, look up “paragraph” in the dictionary before responding. )


  11. How about the fact that Angel was implying that I supported John Hock because he was “Efamous” when I said, others have the right to do so if they please. That right there implies that she can’t read or comprehend what she has read. To address the paragraph thing, well it’s all the same subject so I felt no need to separate it into paragraphs.

    Seriously I came to this website looking for an intelligent debate on the issue at hand which is John Hock. Let’s get back to the real subject and leave behind the failed attempts at insults.
    You’ll notice my previous posts mainly consisted of talking about John Hock, after all isn’t that what we should be discussing here?

    Back on subject, enlighten me with your thoughts on the subject at hand…


  12. I’ve been following John Hock since, he was pointed out to me cause of all the trouble he has gotten into…Being an older person myself…Also being a parent of a son and daughter… I still agree…Chris has a point that John is young and can learn from his huge mistake….I think along with jail time… I hope he also gets drug rehab…Drug use attributes to the down spiral his life has taken…Watching some of his videos of his most recent melt downs is heartbreaking…I feel for him…I’ll wear one of your tee shirts Diana!


  13. Chuck, I wouldn’t be surprised if he hit from both sides of the plate. Not thare’s anything wrong with that.

    As for his defenders, your what’s wrong with society today. Nobody is actually held responsible for their actions.


  14. Failed? The mere fact that you can’t understand the post I was referring to /needed/ paragraphs? That you addressed multiple ideas/subjects in it and didn’t realize it? Would indicate that my insult was in fact victorious as opposed to not.

    But moving on from “failed” insults.

    You are definitely what’s wrong with society, man. Just because someone passes out drunk doesn’t make it their fault they were raped. It makes it the piece of shit attackers fault.


  15. I’m a little intoxicated, I’m going to reply to these posts when I’m sober, but don’t trip the cams off at the moment, lmao.

    John Hock ftw. Ahahahahahaha!


  16. They still aren’t talking about the issue at hand, the issue being being John Hock. The only thing they addressed was with the woman being drunk doesn’t give John the right to rape her. True enough but it does make her stupid and in my opinion at fault too. Underage drinking is a no no! Lol.

    John Hock is known to be Bi. Makes no difference. Irrelevant.

    As for the failed attempt to insult on Jae’s part, yeah it failed. There’s a HUGE difference between Angel’s not being able to read or to comprehend what she did read, and Diana’s not separating her thoughts into paragraphs.

    What’s wrong with society today, is judgmental people, finding a person guilty, before they are proven guilty. What’s wrong with society today, is within the law, murders walk and everyone goes after John’s Hock.


  17. How is the following post by you Jae a paragraph? One sentence is not a fucking paragraph.

    What about Angel&rsquos post indicated that she couldn&rsquot read?

    Or maybe you&rsquore not sure what reading is? Since you&rsquore clearly not clever enough to separate your thoughts out with paragraphs. Think before you speak and maybe, look up &ldquoparagraph&rdquo in the dictionary before responding. )


  18. I stand corrected on the not so important bullshit. Lol. According to online dictionary, it can be one sentence. Now correct me on the main topic at hand. please!

    Ahhh fuck it, John they wish they were you! You have had more willing pussy then they will ever have..No wonder they want your ass put away. Probably they closet rapist. Usually the guilty scream, the loudest at someone else doing wrong.


  19. Alright, I am totally sober now. Oh you know what I think I’ll take that bet as well.

    I never said it was totally her fault, but she is partially responsible. When you do something you should weigh out the pros and cons if the cons out weight the pros then don’t do it, she did it anyways. That makes it her at fault as well.

    And by the way mom, I know underage drinking is a no no ) However I didn’t get drunk and pass out with a guy, lmao.


  20. Since you don’t allows url’s in posts, we will try it this way. Let’s see if this will be my third comment deleted, I’m on a roll, lol.

    Anyways feel free to look us up on Myspace, you will find her as my number one top friend.
    Let the insults begin, lmao.


  21. Mom I don’t know if they will be smart enough to get around your hidden top friends, so I’ll go ahead and put mine as well. My name links to my page,, go check it out )

    And I’ll just give you the okay now to start insulting our appearances, since all of you seem to like judging people on their appearance, lol.

    Oh yes, and I think BrookMN is cute, lol, so does my mom then again she has good taste, haha.


  22. Doesn’t matter how drunk she was, it still doesn’t equal consent, not to mention that Jon-Boy has a history of sexual violence…the logic of his defenders is akin to saying that a murder victim “deserved it” because s/he was in the wrong place @ the wrong time.

    And that other argument is laughable…yes, I’m sure the regs on here wish they were some small-time internet “superstar” who sleeps on friends’ couches and fathers out-of-wedlock children that he denies are his…and I won’t even dignify the “closet rapists” remark w/a comment.


  23. Now it’s sexual violence past? Did he beat someone as well? Until now it seems girls were 100 percent willing they were just underage, they were even close to his age,

    As for someone being in the wrong place at wrong time and being murdered, nah it would be more like someone intentionally driving into drug ridden, gang territory, the ghetto and then whining about getting their car jacked, stabbed or whatever else. That would make them pretty damn stupid wouldn’t it? Stay outta the hood if you can’t handle it. Also again we aren’t talking about a murder.

    My standing opinion: John should be given the same treatment as an unknown person would get, he should not be be hated on, raped, or anything else. If he is found guilty, and I believe even he said it happened, he should not be raped, thrown the book at, put under the prison. He broke the law, he should do some jail time, some probation, some alcohol, and drug treatment, as Barbara pointed out. If he ends up having to register as a sex offender, he’s already screwed for life. In the way off getting a job, finding places to live. I think that would ruin his becoming the responsible person, that you all wanted him to be in the first place.

    I believe in second chances and forgiveness. Again, slap the boy on the wrist enough that he learns and send him home!

    I’d ignore the closet rapist stuff too! In all seriousness though, that is what I’ve learned from guys (some family members). Typically the ones shouting obscenities or wanting to beat someone ass for something, is doing the same crap, just can’t prove it. I apologize that the comment offended anyone.


  24. Same basic principle…even if you make the mistake of driving through a rough neighobrhood, it doesn’t mean you deserve w/e happens as a result, just as Hock’s victim didn’t deserve what happened to her. How was she to know that she’d be sexually assaulted on video by a guy she clearly trusted?


  25. I agree Mister Chuck, I never said in either scenario they deserved it to happen. I do believe it makes them stupid and partially responsible that it happened to begin with though. If they had not both made those choices, it never would of all happened. Thus making both responsible.

    No one said that she would know, that if she got drunk, and passed out she would be SEXUALLY ASSAULTED on video but, she should know that she is at whoevers mercy that she is with, when she’s passed out drunk. As for trusting him, it is my understanding they were dating for a few weeks. That is far to soon to be trusting someone. Once again stupidity.


  26. That’s some MySpace Diana. Why is it the ‘official’ one? Am I supposed to have heard of you? Your mom must be real proud of those pictures too and the sad part is I’m not being sarcastic. And I won’t even comment about drinking at 19. Oh wait, I guess I just did.

    You know, since you and your clique are trashing the victim. trivializing what Hock is accused of, and posting from the same relative location I wondered if you all were related to Hock. But after seeing your MySpace I realized that you’re just another internet attention whore in the same vein as Hock. You’re probably one of his sycophants and I wouldn’t doubt it if you were jealous that it wasn’t you he was violating on stickam.


  27. Wow, I do think this guy deserves to be punished for what he did, he made a mistake, but something as harsh as spending the rest of his life in one of the toughest prisons in the country, that’s completely ridiculous. Why is it that people that are indicted for raping children are usually given about 4 years and get out, when this guy’s crime was nowhere near as bad and he’s been given 3 felony charges? Read this statistic of the average sentence of sex offenders and child molesters in America: “The average sentence imposed on the 9,700 sex offenders was 8 years and, on average, 3 1/2 years of those 8 years were actually served prior to release. The average sentence imposed on the 4,300 child molesters was approximately 7 years and, on average, child molesters were released after serving 3 of the 7 years.” – Bureau of Justice Statistics,….
    Most CHILD MOLESTERS get out after 3 years! I see none of you starting an outrage against the people who are out there fucking up the lives of innocent children, yet its such a huge fucking deal that this guy played with his ditsy passed-out drunk girlfriend’s vaj on stickam as a damn joke. Not only that, but he was drunk too. How many of you have made bad decisions when you were shit faced? I really don’t think he deserves life in prison, but I’m only using logic in my thinking, I think everyone else posting here really doesn’t care that this guy recieves justice the fair way that everyone else in this country deserves it, I believe you all just want to see this guy strapped to an electric chair while every sick child raping fuck out there walks the streets eager to rape again. Ask yourself, do you really think that John Hock would fuck up like this again, knowing how bad his life is screwed because of this stupid prank? then ask yourself if you’d feel safe leaving your kid around someone who has a serious obsession with a child’s body, who got out after serving just 3 years in prison. I don’t think John Hock is innocent by any means, but I will stand by what’s right and say that he deserves the same justice everyone else should get.


  28. Also, seriously, this is not a debate about who has more friends on myspace, I think the more pressing issue is that a damn kid is about to spend the rest of his life behind bars while registered child molesters live NEXT DOOR to you!


  29. You know I’m glad you’re not being sarcastic because damn straight, I’m proud of my daughter. Not because of Myspace, pictures, internet bs, or friend count but because I know her. She is a beautiful person! Never once has she gotten any sort of trouble, not to mention she excelled in school. As for the drinking underage, indeed she knows it’s wrong. However she didn’t get drunk and pass out with a strange male because she’s intelligent as well.


  30. Wow, I do think this guy deserves to be punished for what he did, he made a mistake, but something as harsh as spending the rest of his life in one of the toughest prisons in the country, that&rsquos completely ridiculous. Why is it that people that are indicted for raping children are usually given about 4 years and get out, when this guy&rsquos crime was nowhere near as bad and he&rsquos been given 3 felony charges? Read this statistic of the average sentence of sex offenders and child molesters in America: &ldquoThe average sentence imposed on the 9,700 sex offenders was 8 years and, on average, 3 1/2 years of those 8 years were actually served prior to release. The average sentence imposed on the 4,300 child molesters was approximately 7 years and, on average, child molesters were released after serving 3 of the 7 years.&rdquo – Bureau of Justice Statistics,….


  31. Wow, I do think this guy deserves to be punished for what he did, he made a mistake, but something as harsh as spending the rest of his life in one of the toughest prisons in the country, that&rsquos completely ridiculous. Why is it that people that are indicted for raping children are usually given about 4 years and get out, when this guy&rsquos crime was nowhere near as bad and he&rsquos been given 3 felony charges? Read this statistic of the average sentence of sex offenders and child molesters in America: &ldquoThe average sentence imposed on the 9,700 sex offenders was 8 years and, on average, 3 1/2 years of those 8 years were actually served prior to release. The average sentence imposed on the 4,300 child molesters was approximately 7 years and, on average, child molesters were released after serving 3 of the 7 years.&rdquo – Bureau of Justice Statistics, hxxp://
    Most CHILD MOLESTERS get out after 3 years! I see none of you starting an outrage against the people who are out there fucking up the lives of innocent children, yet its such a huge fucking deal that this guy played with his ditsy passed-out drunk girlfriend&rsquos vaj on stickam as a damn joke. Not only that, but he was drunk too. How many of you have made bad decisions when you were shit faced? I really don&rsquot think he deserves life in prison, but I&rsquom only using logic in my thinking, I think everyone else posting here really doesn&rsquot care that this guy recieves justice the fair way that everyone else in this country deserves it, I believe you all just want to see this guy strapped to an electric chair while every sick child raping fuck out there walks the streets eager to rape again. Ask yourself, do you really think that John Hock would fuck up like this again, knowing how bad his life is screwed because of this stupid prank? then ask yourself if you&rsquod feel safe leaving your kid around someone who has a serious obsession with a child&rsquos body, who got out after serving just 3 years in prison. I don&rsquot think John Hock is innocent by any means, but I will stand by what&rsquos right and say that he deserves the same justice everyone else should get.


  32. Wow, I do think this guy deserves to be punished for what he did, he made a mistake, but something as harsh as spending the rest of his life in one of the toughest prisons in the country, that&rsquos completely ridiculous. Why is it that people that are indicted for raping children are usually given about 4 years and get out, when this guy&rsquos crime was nowhere near as bad and he&rsquos been given 3 felony charges? Read this statistic of the average sentence of sex offenders and child molesters in America: &ldquoThe average sentence imposed on the 9,700 sex offenders was 8 years and, on average, 3 1/2 years of those 8 years were actually served prior to release. The average sentence imposed on the 4,300 child molesters was approximately 7 years and, on average, child molesters were released after serving 3 of the 7 years.&rdquo – Bureau of Justice Statistics.

    Most CHILD MOLESTERS get out after 3 years! I see none of you starting an outrage against the people who are out there fucking up the lives of innocent children, yet its such a huge fucking deal that this guy played with his ditsy passed-out drunk girlfriend&rsquos vaj on stickam as a damn joke. Not only that, but he was drunk too. How many of you have made bad decisions when you were shit faced? I really don&rsquot think he deserves life in prison, but I&rsquom only using logic in my thinking, I think everyone else posting here really doesn&rsquot care that this guy recieves justice the fair way that everyone else in this country deserves it, I believe you all just want to see this guy strapped to an electric chair while every sick child raping fuck out there walks the streets eager to rape again. Ask yourself, do you really think that John Hock would fuck up like this again, knowing how bad his life is screwed because of this stupid prank? then ask yourself if you&rsquod feel safe leaving your kid around someone who has a serious obsession with a child&rsquos body, who got out after serving just 3 years in prison. I don&rsquot think John Hock is innocent by any means, but I will stand by what&rsquos right and say that he deserves the same justice everyone else should get.


  33. Yup it is “some” Myspace, lmao.
    Nope you’re not supposed to have heard of me )
    It’s “official” because I have fakes out there. Duh. I think you need a reminder I’m not the one who is being put on trial here ) You can argue the victim isn’t either but she still played a part in it, I however did not. You should really stop judging people by their Myspaces or looks.

    Yes my mother and the rest of my family are all very proud of me. Risque photos have nothing to do with it.

    Underage drinking huh? Wow, I can’t believe you would even bring that one up considering you’re defending an underage drinker. Yes I am underage, yes I drank the other night, what does that mean? It means I’m a teenager, lmao.
    Like you can HONESTLY say you never drank while underage. Since you want to comment it I’ll go ahead and tell you that would be the second time I have drank in two years.

    My clique? Lmao. The only aspect you could consider us “trashing” the victim would be the part where I said what she did wasn’t very smart, I stand by that. I drank but did I end up passed out with some guy I’ve only known a few weeks? Nope, because I’m smarter then that.

    Seriously would it make a difference if I was related to him or not? Would that make him anymore guilty? Even if I was related that would be irrelevant, as for being jealous, probably if I was jealous, I’d be against him and be pissed off like all other girls/guys ganging up on him. The smarter conclusion would have been for you to think that I just support my local yokels. I can support him and not have an ulterior motive. I can think it’s being blown way out of proportion without being one of his psychotic fans.

    I’m not going to debate that what he didn’t wasn’t wrong, it was. But I do think it’s being made a lot bigger deal of then what it should be. I believe the punishment should fit the crime and the crime wasn’t as bad as it’s being made out to be, especially with this story making it nationwide, murders don’t even make it nationwide.

    I noticed you started your article out with “emo douche bag” is that his crime? Is he being put on trial for the way he looks? Why is it you even wrote that, was it relating to his looks or his emotional state of being?
    What type of sentence do you think he should get? Let’s here your stance on the matter.

    And by the way, I welcome all the hatred you can aim at my name.


  34. Calm down, Mr. Sedwick. Stop pressing that submit button. The people here are equally disgusted by child molesters as they are by this guy.


  35. Yeah, a search of the archives should fill Sedwick in as to how we feel about child molesters…and I’d like to know exactly where any of the regs said they’d like to see Hock get a date w/Old Sparky…no one here ever said he deserves the death penalty for what he did, and such a sentence would be excessive, to say the least.


  36. (sorry about the multiple posts)

    So both of you say that you are equally digusted by child molesters as you are by this guy, so why is it John’s sentence is so much more harsh?


  37. Kris, my question to them, why are they equally disgusted with John Hock and a child molester? Our children are not at risk with John walking the streets.

    While I’m on the subject of “children”, a total bullshit law would be the minor thing. A person at age 16 or higher should legally be able to have consensual sex with who they please.
    In some states that’s even the law it should be in every state.

    Oh and since a previous post was deleted I’ll say this again, usually a guilty person screams the loudest when someone else is in trouble for the same thing.


  38. Ignoring all the bits and pieces that muddle the John Hock case, he’s a person that takes advantage of others when he can. And if they’re unable to defend themselves, will take extreme advantage of said people.

    Child molesters also take advantage of children, a group of the population that are seriously at a disadvantage to defend themselves.

    So I find him and them equally disgusting, they’re at the bottom of the scum bucket together. So to speak.

    And I think it’s been mentioned before that John Hock will likely see very little jail time. Or was am I incorrect?


  39. Oh yeah, and nobody here specifically said anyone wanted John put to death however with the way people are carrying on it seems that way. Most people on here sound like they will not rest until john’s head is on a stick.


  40. (Sorry for double posting, aieee)

    To Diana:

    I think sixteen is the age of consent in some states. And I think in others it’s sixteen and the teen is legally allowed to have sex with someone two years older? I’m very fuzzy on those laws. But I think some areas there is leeway.

    Sixteen is the line in the sand and prevents say… sixty-year old men from preying an high school kids of that age or younger.


  41. I can see where you’re trying to make a connection but it’s still a huge stretch, you’re going from an inebriated 20 year old woman (who chose to date him and put herself in the position) he took advantage of to children.


  42. I do think the woman in this case should at least be in trouble for under age drinking. She chose to break the law too. We cant pick and choose who gets in trouble for breaking the law.

    I also believe that if it hadn’t of happened live, the woman wouldn’t of made such a big deal out of it. I mean she was dating him. I personally wouldn’t call the cops on someone I was dating or in a relationship with, who happened to have touched me in my sleep. Lol.

    Yeah Diana, you’re right in some states it’s 16 to be able to have consensual sex. For example: Oklahoma. I also believe as you do there’s a huge stretch in connecting the two, one being children and the other being a drunken woman.

    Yes, it was previously stated that he probably wont get much time but again, the attitude reflects people wanting him to get much much more! Things posted such as people wishing him to be raped, would suggest that indeed they want his head on a stick.


  43. The bottom line for me is that he took advantage of someone that at that point (for whatever reason) was unable to defend herself.

    And people who do things like that? Are scum.

    And I’d like to see more of a jail sentence for him AND pedophiles. But it’s not likely to happen what with jails being overcrowded and such.


  44. Again with the post after post, it’s a rainy night here. My apologizes again. 😛

    From what I’ve read on the various threads, Chris is Diana’s mom from what I’ve been able to discern? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong in that assumption. I haven’t checked out the myspace’s personally.

    Chris has commented in a post or two that she feels that the victim should be brought up on charges for under age drinking.

    Do you feel the same should go for your daughter as well for the underage drinking? That’s reportedly on her myspace and that she mentioned in posts above? After all, you said it yourself. We don’t get to pick and choose who gets punished for breaking the law.

    I’m not trying to be confrontational and jerky, but…


  45. I’ll let my mom know of your post when she gets home. Yes you are correct she is my mother, does that have relevance? Just wondering.

    Anyways to address your question. Yes if I got drunk and went out and got into trouble, I should for sure get into trouble for my underage drinking, however, I didn’t do that. Hmm.

    What do you mean “reportedly” why don’t you check out my profile for yourself, nowhere on it does it say I drink. IN FACT it says I no longer party. I have drank twice in the last 2 years, you would know that had you read earlier posts.
    Once again I’m not the one on trial here.

    If I had drank and got into trouble then yes I should be held responsible for my actions. And yes I know underage drinking is against the law, that’s kind of why I refrain from doing it often, but you can’t sit here and act high and mighty like you or anyone else has never drank while underage. I’m not being confrontational either just simply replying to your post.


  46. Thats a good point Diana, human bodies are built to reach maturity around age thirteen. We should just change the national age of consent to thirteen. They have sex anyways, why not make it legal.


  47. Jae, I have posted once that the woman in this case should be in trouble for breaking the law and indeed, she should be. She’s no better then the average bear.

    Indeed the law applies to my children as well. It doesn’t matter who it is or what the situation is. If they break the law they should be treated as anyone else would be and I’m sure if my daughter got caught by mister police officer for underage drinking, she would be in trouble for it!

    There’s nothing about drinking on her Myspace, I live with Miss official Diana so I pretty much know her habits. Hehe.


  48. Yes they do it anyways at that age. I sure didn’t but times are changing I see your point with that, well my point, I don’t know. But that does seem a little young. Yes I know I’m arguing with my own point, but 16 for sure should be able to.


  49. One other off topic thing, I was born and in raised AZ and I have never been in trouble but I can’t stand Sheriff Joe Arpaio, he’s a pig. He makes prisoners live in tents, some have died from the AZ heat, feeds them ostrich burgers and he makes them wear pink boxers, to make the inmates will feel humiliated,&ltfail. (Real Men Wear Pink!) No I’m not saying it takes a prisoner to be a real man, just that it takes a real man to pull off wearing pink.


  50. No, sex at thirteen isn’t okay VoR. I know that at thirteen my body sure as hell wasn’t ready for anything. I didn’t even look remotely like an adult at that age. And even if I did, I was no where near the emotional state of readiness that you should be at when you start having sex.

    Dropping the age of consent to thirteen is way to young and opens the door for many many creepy folks out there to start trying to mess around with kids and face virtually no repercussions for it. They face little enough as it is.

    And thank you for your answer Chris. 🙂 I thought it had been mentioned above that someone had looked at her page and seen something like that on it. But I haven’t gone poking around myself, like I mentioned. I’m not a myspace fan. ^^


  51. Yeah, 13 is way to young in my opinion. Once upon a time, girls got married at 13+ but in my opinion that should of never happened at such a young age. However if at such an age it was consensual and they were around the same age, I see nothing criminal about it. Makes me wonder though how a parent could even want to part with their child at such a young age.

    Voice has a point in his saying that as a teen, if they want to have sex bad enough they will do it anyways but in my own experience of raising kids that rebellious attitude comes at a much later age. Well I guess if there’s a lack of parenting all the childs life, that age could be much younger.

    I do know 2 couples though who have been together since they were 13-14 and they are now in their 50’s but I would NEVER want to see the age dropped to 13. They should still be playing in the dirt at that age. Dirt meaning sand, not dirt meaning smut.

    it should be 16+. I personally was 17 almost 18 and yeah the guy was 21 and to this day, I say that should not be a crime. He may be an ex now, I may not even like him but let’s get real here.

    Not a problem Jae, I believe the post was referring to my daughter’s myspace reguarding her pictures, since he said her mom must be proud of her pictures, and truthfully I am. I see nothing wrong with a 19 young woman, taking a picture in a bikini, nothing wrong with her picture where she has an alcohol beverage photo prop either. It’s Hawaiian Punch hehe. Since the words attention whore was used, perhaps he meant her extended friend count as well, in all honesty that’s her business, It’s certainly not a crime. She doesn’t meet people off the net and if she ever decides to, she knows the importance of knowing someone before trusting someone.

    Oh and we are all so far off topic Lol.


  52. Wow! I post a three line comment, go on vacation for a week, and come back to find I have become a hot topic of debate. Does that make me e-famous, Trench?

    As for not being able to read, thanks for the concern, but I have edited proposals for engineering firms, and dissertations for Master’s degrees in both engineering and Theology. My reading comprehension is just fine, thank you.

    I may have been a little free with my interpretation of Chris’ comment, so maybe she wasn’t condoning his behavior, but merely trying to mitigate it. Fair enough. I don’t hold to those beliefs, but to each his own. I believe Hock needs jail time. I don’t believe I implied that I would like to see him fry. What he did is certainly not a capital offense, but it is illegal.

    If it had been Diana who was treated that way, would that change your opinion any? Just wondering. If Diana was dating some guy for a couple of weeks, and got drunk, and the guy did this to her – on camera, no less – would you not be angry? Would you not want to see him punished? Stupidity of the girl aside, it was a reprehensible thing for him to do.

    An unconscious person cannot give consent, sex without consent is rape therefore, it was rape. Even if she had consented in the past, that does not mean consent was guaranteed on all future occasions. If it past sexual permission constitutes current permission, then men who miss their ex-wives can simply follow them around until they get drunk one evening, wait until they pass out, and have their way. I know, I know,……..that is a stretch from your implied meaning as well. I understand that. Really, I do. Still, do you understand the basic meaning of my statement? Circumstances aside – he broke the law, as it is written. He should be held accountable.

    Diana said: “And if someone wants to support him only because he is hot or &ldquoEfamous&rsquo then they have every right to do so.”

    The response I gave to Diana started with, “Charles Manson was famous, too”. I was merely comparing the fame issue, not the crime. If supporting someone because of their fame (or relative lack thereof) is the issue, then the crime committed has absolutely no bearing on it. I simply assumed that since you were holding forth this line of reasoning, that you were supporting him, too. Next time I will be sure and use the collective ‘they’ when responding to such a comment.

    Again, wow! All of that to explain three lines……and I do think Hock needs jail time. According to the letter of the law, he is a rapist. An opportunistic rapist, but a rapist nonetheless.

    [And since I’m trying to ‘make nice’, I won’t bother to point out each individual error in punctuation, grammar, capitalization, and syntax in Diana’s first comment to me (where she also questioned my reading ability). There were more than fourteen, though. I quit looking before I got to the end, and I didn’t re-read her other comments for errors, either. Did I mention that I was an English professor, in years past?]


  53. If it had been Diana who was treated that way, would that change your opinion any? Just wondering. If Diana was dating some guy for a couple of weeks, and got drunk, and the guy did this to her – on camera, no less – would you not be angry? Would you not want to see him punished? Stupidity of the girl aside, it was a reprehensible thing for him to do.

    My Response to Angel:
    The only difference is, if this was my Diana, it would be more personal to me. As in I would personally feel more hurt, angry she’s my daughter so that stands to reason but no his crime is still the same and if Diana had chosen to get drunk and pass out with a young man, knowing his reputation, indeed she would of done a STUPID thing. She would partially be responsible for it’s happening. Responsible as in, it wouldn’t of happened had she used more common sense and better judgment.


  54. Would you not want to see him punished?

    Again My response to Angel:
    I’ve already said multiple times he should be in trouble, just not to the extent, it’s being taken to.


  55. Fair enough, Chris. You are obviously a much more reasonable person than I am, because if something like that happened to one of my girls, I would be livid. I don’t care if a girl runs naked down the street with a rubber glove on her head, yelling “I’m a chicken!”, that still doesn’t give anyone the right to violate her body. At the point the girl says “No”, the man, if he continues, is committing rape. If the girl is unable to consent (passed out), it is automatically rape. It is in no way her fault that some walking penis decided to have sex with her. She is not responsible in any way for the bad decision made by the male, ESPECIALLY if she is passed out. It was his decision, not hers. And if the rape took place in her own bedroom, she had EVERY RIGHT to sleep there, drunk or sober, and feel secure in doing so. He was the one who had no rights.

    As I said though, we will simply have to agree to disagree on this topic. I believe he should be sentenced just as harshly as any other rapist. He is, after all is said and done, a rapist.


  56. Angel since you decided to list all of your qualifications your post reads as if you were applying for a job. Are you applying for this “efame” you seem to think you have? Yeah you came back to a lot of posts, but think about it were they all for you? I highly doubt it but then again I wrote half of them.
    If you wish to correct my grammar and spelling why don’t you? Just go ahead and do that and send it back to me like a good English professor would, lol.

    There doesn’t seem to be much of a debate anymore, we seem to agree that his actions were criminal. We agree that he deserves jail time all we disagree on now is how much time he gets, which seems trivial because it’s not like up to either of us.
    Well there is one more thing we disagree on that would be the fact that he’s a rapist. I don’t believe it was rape but to each their own, I guess.

    Again you say you were just comparing Charles Manson’s fame to Johns but I thought we were debating their criminal activities here not their fame? Or perhaps I’m wrong…

    PS: Given the outstanding qualifications you have, I would have thought you would have been able to read and comprehend my first post to begin with.


  57. I can be just as unreasonable as the next person, however we were discussing in this scenario, I feel the woman made horrible choices and as a direct result in her choices, she was sexually assaulted.

    Example: My daughter dates a guy, they have consensual sex, they break up, he posts the video, do I want him punished for this? Not unless I’m just out to get him. It happened as a result of her choices. I realize I’m using a consensual example compared to assault but the posting of the video is apparently a felonie charge too. No he didn’t have the right to do it but, I don’t feel he deserves jail time and a record for it.

    Example 2: My daughters husband comes home and beats the hell out of her and rapes her or their child, he would probably never see the inside of a jail cell because I’m sure something would happen to him along the way.

    Neither of those examples apply here but it was fun. Lol. Theres a huge difference between those examples but I feel there’s a huge difference between John Hock compared to a child molester and compared to a rapist. and again no one said it gave the man a right to do anything. I do however feel in this case it was all a direct result in this womans poor choices and unfortunately she’s suffering the consequences of those poor choices.


  58. Diana,
    I wasn’t ‘applying’ for the ‘post’ of efame, or anything else for that matter. That was sarcasm. Another tool to be used in order to get a point across.

    No, I don’t think all of the posts were about me. As a matter of fact, NONE of them SHOULD have been. They should all be about the story/situation at hand.

    I am sorry you feel so defensive about the comments I made. I thought, however, that since you opened the door for a critique of reading/writing style, that you might not be offended if I did the same for you. No, I don’t want to list all of your mistakes – I don’t have that much free time.

    Also, I’ve already said that we can agree to disagree on this. We will never have the same opinion on this topic – that has been made clear, repeatedly. I didn’t compare the guy to a child molester. Just a rapist. Which, as I said – and according to the letter of the law – HE IS. I believe he should be punished as one, and you do not. You believe he should be punished for some lesser offense, I guess, or maybe not at all? Either way, I don’t care.

    You are entitled to state your opinion, and I am entitled to state mine. They are our personal views. That’s why they are called opinions, and not facts.

    You will also find that when commenting on a blog, comments which are critical for no other reason than to try and undermine the writer of another comment, are generally met with hostility. An intelligent person can usually make their point without resorting to cheap shots and vitriolic retorts. I believe I was pretty careful not to make any personal attacks on you in my previous comment, other than reminding you that if you are going to criticize others, you should first check your own writing for errors.

    The last two paragraphs in your last post are proof that you did not read and understand my previous post. Maybe you should re-read it, and try to be a little more mature in your responses. You sound like a fairly intelligent person, and you will find that information goes a lot farther to prove your case than insults ever will. Have a nice day, dear.

    I have said all I care to on this topic. Y’all have fun without me now, ya hear? -D


  59. Thats a good point Diana, human bodies are built to reach maturity around age thirteen. We should just change the national age of consent to thirteen. They have sex anyways, why not make it legal.

    VOR sounds like a closet child molester.


  60. Well being as I happen to know VOR, I know, he does not sound like and more importantly, he is not a child molester, as for his response to Diana, people can have different thoughts or opinions without having ulterior motives. You will find that people who are younger and don’t have kids, have different responses, then people who do have.


  61. Well being as I happen to know VOR, I know, he does not sound like and more importantly, he is not a child molester.

    He sounds like he wants to have sex with 13-year-old girls to me.


  62. Well you sound like you love to throw out insults and accusations with people, who don’t share your thoughts on John Hock. You don’t even know that VOR isn’t 13. Anyhow, it’s you who is following molesters, rapists,sexual offenders and murders without contributing a damn thing, to solve anything or to help with anything. Sick.

    Since you’ve dubbed Diana, Dirty Diana, for having different views, why is it you’re called Trenchy? Are you know in your hood as Old man Trench Coat? Trenchy for short.


  63. You’re acting very cornered.

    But I guess that’s how people behave when someone points out that they’re probably pretending to be at least three to four other people in order to hold up an argument.


  64. Cornered? cornered at what? I mean why would anyone be cornered over that? It’s not like if Trench happened to be right, we were indeed all the same person, it would carry a prison sentence. Lol. Web Cam anyone? Need numbers? Stickam perhaps? Lol. Okay we don’t use Stickam but the others are good to go!


  65. Will do!
    –Continues Protesting–
    Although there’s not much to protest, Trench is wrong. End of story and yeah it’s easily proved that we are multiple people, not one person.


  66. You don’t even know that VOR isn’t 13.

    If he is his parents should be ashamed of letting him defend a sexual predator like Hock.

    Since you’ve dubbed Diana, Dirty Diana, for having different views, why is it you’re called Trenchy? Are you know in your hood as Old man Trench Coat? Trenchy for short.

    Dirty Diana is a song by Michael Jackson. I thought she’d like being named after a song written by another sexual predator.


  67. Trench is wrong. End of story and yeah it’s easily proved that we are multiple people, not one person.

    Never said you were all one person. However you’re all posting from the same city and two of you are posting from the same computer.


  68. Why should they be ashamed for LETTING him defend Hock? You do realize parents don’t have to let children do things like that? I mean come on, all their friends have computers, not to mention in school, they end up in chat rooms and other places they shouldn’t be.

    Speaking of Micheal Jackson, where’s your blog about him? There is a difference in those two, so just because Diana is defending (as you put it) Hock doesn’t mean she would defend Micheal Jackson. Hock’s girl, was a woman NOT a child, unlike Mister Jacksons.

    It really doesn’t matter where we are posting from.


  69. Why should they be ashamed for LETTING him defend Hock?

    Because sensible parents would know better than to let their 13-year-olds defend an ‘alleged’ sex offender on the internet.


  70. Again, parents don’t have to let their kids do anything, kids/teens have a brain of their own and trust me, they use it and they don’t always make the best decisions with that brain. Kind of like the woman in this case.


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