Backpage child prostitution ring busted in Washington state


Kennewick police uncover alleged prostitution ring:

In Kennewick, Washington police have arrested 19-year-old Melissa Marie Salsbury and her husband, 20-year-old Stanley Lynn Salsbury Jr., for prostituting 17-year-old girls on the Village Voice Media-owned The Salsburys allegedly used threats of violence and extortion to keep the girls working for them. The girls were recruited by being told that they would be dancing for money.

Also arrested were four johns, mot of whom allegedly knew the girls were underage…

— Chad Andrew Crithfield, 40, of Richland, on three counts of fourth-degree assault with sexual motivation, a gross misdemeanor.

— Francisco Meza III, 31, of Sunnyside, with commercial sex abuse of a minor, a felony.

— Mason Cameron Harris, 24, of Kennewick with prostitution, a misdemeanor, and third-degree theft, a gross misdemeanor.

— Armand Robert Vasquez, 67, of Phoenix, Ariz., with commercial sex abuse of a minor, a felony.

The sad part is that none of the six are currently in custody. Again, child traffickers and their clients are being treated with kid gloves, no pun intended. Instead, they should be treated with an iron fist rule.

And again I think it’s obvious that Backpage’s alleged steps to eliminate trafficking in their site are non-existent.

2 thoughts on “Backpage child prostitution ring busted in Washington state”

  1. Everytime one thinks that this kind of thing is at least at an arm’s length, so to speak, it creeps right up next to you.  I guess that we even need to screen those we seek out to assist us in home purchasing. To think someone so evil was right in front of me with all my financial information makes me sick.  I hope those involved get exactly what is coming to them, in this life or the next.  Karma–what goes around comes around.  Anyone with kids should be as sick to their stomachs as I am.  Anyone who particates in porn or, prostitution never stops to think that that is somone’s daughter, sister, brother, son,or grandchild, no matter the age.  And anyone who says, “but they are of age” is just an enabler.

    –An Opinionated Old Buzzard  


  2. Why is this man no on the Sex Offender list? Why is he still aloud to to business in the tri-cities. And have access to personal information.


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